
Good Reviews on I.S.A’s Flatfoot Disposable Shoe Covers – Proving a Happy Customer is the Greatest Advertisement!

When corporations reach the end of the year, the achievements made throughout the year are looked at very closely. At I.S.A Corporation, our increase in new customers who have reached out to us from word of mouth referrals has resulted in an impressive growth in new customers for us during 2015. Many of our new customers, largely in the food processing industry, have come to us because they have seen our Flatfoot shoe covers at a plant they have visited and were referred by a happy customer.

In business, having a good reputation, and customers spreading good reviews about your products, is the best kind of advertising. Our goal at I.S.A Corporation is to deliver the best products and customer service possible to all our customers. We take pride in the fact that we manufacturer all our products in North America at our state of the art facilities, under controlled environments. The end result is our customers feel safe in knowing that our flatfoot shoe cover is a superior, clean product that stands up to tough environments.

When our customer service team asks individuals who call in, or inquire via our website, where did you hear about us…… recently, the reply most often has been, we saw your shoe covers at a plant we were visiting and asked them “Where did you get those great shoe covers?”

And may you all have a very prosperous 2016!
By Lori Jane

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